Probability of becoming a believer
Reading time
History always begins with emptiness. Once someone sees
meaning in it, nothing becomes a force that cannot be resisted


What if the world doesn't work the way we've been taught?
What if value is not a number on an account, but an energy that
brings people together?
Probability of becoming a believer
Reading time
History always begins with emptiness. Once someone sees
meaning in it, nothing becomes a force that cannot be resisted
What if the world doesn't work the way we've been taught?
What if value is not a number on an account, but an energy that
brings people together?
Reading time
of becoming a believer
Since ancient times, people have joined together, realizing that cooperation brings far greater good than isolation
Egypt without pyramids, Ancient Greek polities without greatness, the cosmos without man - the world without a singular effort. Tribes built cities, cities built civilizations. Today we can do the same in the digital world
The idea is not new. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and this is an undeniable fact. What will happen if we use the unbreakable ancient concept in digital-modernity, where the world is ruled by chaos, excitement and thirst for wealth?
Lao Tzu
The Dao gives birth to one. One gives birth to Two,
Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to thousands of things or all things in the universe. All things carry yin and embrace yang.
When yang and yin combine, all things achieve harmony
Egypt without pyramids, Ancient Greek polities without greatness, the cosmos without man - the world without a singular effort. Tribes built cities, cities built civilizations. Today we can do the same in the digital world
The idea is not new. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and this is an undeniable fact. What will happen if we use the unbreakable ancient concept in digital-modernity, where the world is ruled by chaos, excitement and thirst for wealth?
Since ancient times, people have joined together, realizing that cooperation brings far greater good than isolation
Lao Tzu
The Dao gives birth to one. One gives birth to Two,
Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to thousands of things or all things in the universe. All things carry yin and embrace yang.
When yang and yin combine, all things achieve harmony
No need to rush,
     let’s take it
               step by step
No need to rush,let’s take it step by step
Bitcoin vs the Internet Adoption
total users (millions)
Bitcoin Adoption
When the internet began its rapid expansion in the 1990s, it was often compared to the spread of electricity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
This correlation was noticed long ago
Just as electricity transformed industry, the internet revolutionized information exchange. In the '90s, many believed the internet would remain a niche technology, but it became the foundation of the digital world. Web3 is on a similar path right now
Even the most groundbreaking technology doesn’t spread on its own. It takes someone to explain its value and make it accessible
All great change requires not only technology, but a guide to show why everyone needs that technology. The history of tech is the history of those who took the complex and made it simple, turning the unfamiliar into the understandable
And this is where the question arises: who will take on this role for Web3? Who will turn complex mechanics into an engaging and accessible experience?
PDAs and touchscreens existed before the iPhone, but Apple showed why everyone needed them
Internet Adoption
Late 2023. Bitcoin is getting ready for another rally. Only the laziest person hasn't heard about cryptocurrencies, but not everything is so rosy. Mass-adoption is still a long way off, about as far away as a 1999 Oklahoma resident is from subscribing to Netflix
All technological revolutions follow a similar adoption curve
And this is where the question arises: who will take on this role for Web3? Who will turn complex mechanics into an engaging and accessible experience?
Even the most groundbreaking technology doesn’t spread on its own. It takes someone to explain its value and make it accessible
All great change requires not only technology, but a guide to show why everyone needs that technology. The history of tech is the history of those who took the complex and made it simple, turning the unfamiliar into the understandable
PDAs and touchscreens existed before the iPhone, but Apple showed why everyone needed them
When the internet began its rapid expansion in the 1990s, it was often compared to the spread of electricity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
This correlation was noticed long ago
Just as electricity transformed industry, the internet revolutionized information exchange. In the '90s, many believed the internet would remain a niche technology, but it became the foundation of the digital world. Web3 is on a similar path right now
Late 2023. Bitcoin is getting ready for another rally. Only the laziest person hasn't heard about cryptocurrencies, but not everything is so rosy. Mass-adoption is still a long way off, about as far away as a 1999 Oklahoma resident is from subscribing to Netflix
All technological revolutions follow a similar adoption curve
The answer is simpler
     than it seems

The answer is simpler
than it seems
The main problem of web3 is the inaccessibility of web3, the truth is hidden behind complex terms and mechanics
We remember P2E games, they were not perfect, but they opened the digital gate to a huge number of people. Notcoin chose the most effective marketing strategy - gamify the process, teach people, build a community
Most of the coins, nfts, web3 projects try to convince you that they are worth something (while they are not), so you hold it while founders / investors are selling.
So we got tired of this scammy approach, tired of zero-sum games and decided to do something different.
We laugh at those who try to pretend to be something.
Notcoin doesn't try to convince you of anything.
There are no investors, no locks, no pre-mined coins.
We don't ask for your money, we don't ask for anything actually.
Notcoins are free.
The only way to get Notcoin is to play the game.
telegram channel
Notcoin Community
Richard Feynman explained complex physics concepts through simple analogies and playful approaches (like using tiny arrows for quantum electrodynamics)
The main problem of web3 is the inaccessibility of web3, the truth is hidden behind complex terms and mechanics
telegram channel
Notcoin Community
Most of the coins, nfts, web3 projects try to convince you that they are worth something (while they are not), so you hold it while founders / investors are selling.
So we got tired of this scammy approach, tired of zero-sum games and decided to do something different.
We laugh at those who try to pretend to be something.
Notcoin doesn't try to convince you of anything.
There are no investors, no locks, no pre-mined coins.
We don't ask for your money, we don't ask for anything actually.
Notcoins are free.
The only way to get Notcoin is to play the game.
We remember P2E games, they were not perfect, but they opened the digital gate to a huge number of people. Notcoin chose the most effective marketing strategy - gamify the process, teach people, build a community
Richard Feynman explained complex physics concepts through simple analogies and playful approaches (like using tiny arrows for quantum electrodynamics)
The Notcoin team articulated the 3 pillars of success with surgical precision
The Notcoin team articulated the 3 pillars of success with surgical precision
Empires took centuries to      build,Notcoin did it
             in just 5 months
Empires took centuries
to build,
Notcoin did it in just
5 months
Those five months turned
out to be crucial
Back in January 2024, the number of players
surpassed 1,000,000, and by the end of
March, it had skyrocketed to 35,000,000
March 27, 2024
The TON Blockchain has never experienced such an influx throughout its entire existence
Do I need to specify that by the end of March the number of Notcoin DAUs exceeded the number of DAWs in TON > 30 times? Another unprecedented victory, comparable maybe to the success of Farmers World for WAX, but on an obscenely large scale
TON Active Wallets (daily)
NOT Active Users (daily)
The project became a phenomenon that caught the attention of Web2
Their building often ended at the pit level. There were also successful cases; anyways, the total number of TMAs grew in direct proportion to the number of users interested in the Telegram games ecosystem
Successful example is contagious, so a huge number of TMA-based projects started popping up, trying to ride the wave
Active Wallets (daily)
In the same month, TON managed to surpass all L1 blockchains in performance, outperforming BTC by 118%
Chart title
At the beginning of January 2024 the number of Activated Wallets in TON (wallets that have made at least one transaction) was 1,095,835, by the end of May (spoiler: an important month for Notcoin) - 6,517,587
Share of telegram’s MAU engaging in games
Meanwhile, TON was bursting with attention and media coverage
TON Active Wallets (daily)
NOT Active Users (daily)
March 27, 2024
Those five months turned out to be crucial
Back in January 2024, the number of players surpassed 1,000,000, and by the end of March, it had skyrocketed to 35,000,000
TON Blockchain has not experienced such an rush in its entire previous existence
Do I need to specify that by the end of March the number of Notcoin DAUs exceeded the number of DAWs in TON > 30 times? Another unprecedented victory, comparable maybe to the success of Farmers World for WAX, but on an obscenely large scale
The project became a phenomenon that caught the attention of Web2
Their building often ended at the pit level. There were also successful cases; anyways, the total number of TMAs grew in direct proportion to the number of users interested in the Telegram games ecosystem
Successful example is contagious, so a huge number of TMA-based projects started popping up, trying to ride the wave
Active Wallets (daily)
Jan 15
Jan 29
Feb 12
Feb 26
Mar 11
Mar 25
Apr 08
Apr 22
May 06
In the same month, TON managed to surpass all L1 blockchains in performance, outperforming BTC by 118%
Chart title
At the beginning of January 2024 the number of Activated Wallets in TON (wallets that have made at least one transaction) was 1,095,835, by the end of May (spoiler: an important month for Notcoin) - 6,517,587
Meanwhile, TON was attracting a lot of interest
Share of telegram’s MAU engaging in games
algorithms vs. anarchy
algorithms vs. anarchy
The results, however, were dismal
The main difficulty in integrating so many people in a direct web2 to web3 flight is their disparate nature
Meta has invested billions of dollars in the development of its Horizon Worlds meta-universe, expecting users to dramatically shift into a new digital world. More than 10,000 people worked on the project
Raw numbers do not reflect the real picture, Notcoin is interesting because it created a real community of believers
Despite ambitious plans to reach 500,000 MAUs by the end of 2023, the number of daily users in August was around 900
Meta relied on scale and technology, expecting users to recognize the value themselves. This top-down approach led to fragmentation and misunderstanding
Meta and Notcoin had the goal of attracting people and introducing them to the world of web3
Notcoin focused on people, choosing a bottom-up strategy: simple mechanics, learning by playing and building a community with a clear mission
Yeah, not thousands, 900 people. We're not here to criticize Zuckerberg, so we'll leave that to Elon Musk
Meta relied on scale and technology, expecting users to recognize the value themselves. This top-down approach led to fragmentation and misunderstanding
Meta and Notcoin had the goal of attracting people and introducing them to the world of web3
Notcoin focused on people, choosing a bottom-up strategy: simple mechanics, learning by playing and building a community with a clear mission
The results, however, were dismal
The main difficulty in integrating so many people in a direct web2 to web3 flight is their disparate nature
Meta has invested billions of dollars in the development of its Horizon Worlds meta-universe, expecting users to dramatically shift into a new digital world. More than 10,000 people worked on the project
Raw numbers do not reflect the real picture, Notcoin is interesting because it created a real community of believers
Despite ambitious plans to reach 500,000 MAUs by the end of 2023, the number of daily users in August was around 900
Yeah, not thousands, 900 people. We're not here to criticize Zuckerberg, so we'll leave that to Elon Musk
meme culture enters the game
meme culture enters the game
It doesn't take a marketing genius to realize: the more people talking about your project, the wider your audience. And when a project is built on self-irony, memes become a doorway to a community where everyone feels like they belong
The key feature of meme culture is its virality
It's a language. It's a way to speak to people on the same level, showing that you’re not «above them,» but «with them.» Notcoin used this language to break down stereotypes about the complicated and inaccessible world of crypto
Memes have lives of their own, moving from chats to social networks, from social networks to the mass mindset
Memes aren’t just funny pictures
The less seriously a project takes itself, the more attention it attracts
Why? Because it looks honest.
«These guys aren't trying to sell us another boring product. It seems like they just want to have fun»
When people see that a company can joke about itself, it earns their trust
It doesn't take a marketing genius to realize: the more people talking about your project, the wider your audience. And when a project is built on self-irony, memes become a doorway to a community where everyone feels like they belong
The key feature of meme culture is its virality
Memes aren’t just funny pictures
It's a language. It's a way to speak to people on the same level, showing that you’re not «above them,» but «with them.» Notcoin used this language to break down stereotypes about the complicated and inaccessible world of crypto
Memes have lives of their own, moving from chats to social networks, from social networks to the mass mindset
The less seriously a project takes itself, the more attention it attracts
Why? Because it looks honest.
«These guys aren't trying to sell us another boring product. It seems like they just want to have fun»
When people see that a company can joke about itself, it earns their trust
While Meta was building
     a metropolis, Notcoin   threw a cozy backyard party
While Meta was building a metropolis,
Notcoin threw a cozy backyard party
The project literally stated:
«probably nothing», and it became a flag of resistance
People started to believe that you can really make something out of nothing. And it's not just about economic value, it's about the feeling of being part of something bigger
«Just jump in and give it a try. If it doesn't work out, fine, it didn't cost you anything»
And that's when the most powerful force in the world kicked in — faith
And you know what? It worked.
The absurd «probably nothing» suddenly became a backwards prediction
It took away a huge layer of pressure that usually lies on beginners. People were free to try things out, get involved and find the process fun
Collective effort formed around the idea of
«we’re all here just for fun, but what if this joke turns into something real?»
And this is where real economic value is born, out of trust, out of common jokes, out of unified effort
People began to see value in people themselves, not in tokens or technology. This is a real mental revolution: instead of waiting for a project to show why it's necessary, they started to create meaning themselves
The magic began with the fact that the process was completely free
This is not some classic web3 attraction where you're first pushed to deal with wallets, tokens and fees and then kept in fear that you might lose it all
Think about how absurd it is to declare zero value from the start and still attract people into it
But here's the paradox: when you are honest that you have nothing, people stop being afraid of losing, and when there is nothing to lose, the only thing left is the possibility of finding something
Google trends
The rise of Notcoin’s popularity
Time passed, and Notcoin spread at the speed of light
It's time to determine the reward of the community that turned the project into an avalanche that consumes everything in its path
ICO, IPO, casino - simple and effective. Institutionalists are delighted, retailers are tempted. Some gained, some lost. The Wheel of Sansara
The project literally stated:
«probably nothing», and it became a flag of resistance
Think about how absurd it is to declare zero value from the start and still attract people into it
But here's the paradox: when you are honest that you have nothing, people stop being afraid of losing, and when there is nothing to lose, the only thing left is the possibility of finding something
People started to believe that you can really make something out of nothing. And it's not just about economic value, it's about the feeling of being part of something bigger
«Just jump in and give it a try. If it doesn't work out, fine, it didn't cost you anything»
And that's when the most powerful force in the world kicked in — faith
And you know what? It worked.
The absurd «probably nothing» suddenly became a backwards prediction
It took away a huge layer of pressure that usually lies on beginners. People were free to try things out, get involved and find the process fun
Collective effort formed around the idea of
«we’re all here just for fun, but what if this joke turns into something real?»
People began to see value in people themselves, not in tokens or technology. This is a real mental revolution: instead of waiting for a project to show why it's necessary, they started to create meaning themselves. And this is where real economic value is born, out of trust, out of common jokes, out of unified effort
The magic began with the fact that the process was completely free
This is not some classic web3 attraction where you're first pushed to deal with wallets, tokens and fees and then kept in fear that you might lose it all
Google trends
The rise of Notcoin’s popularity
As time passed, Notcoin spread at the speed of light
It's time to determine the reward of the community that turned the project into an avalanche that consumes everything in its path
ICO, IPO, casino - simple and effective. Institutionalists are delighted, retailers are tempted. Some gained, some lost. The Wheel of Sansara
how to exit the matrix?
     fair distribution model
how to exit the matrix?
fair distribution model
Main Mistakes:
— High token concentration among early investors
— Lack of incentives for players
— No burn mechanisms
Why Was It So Effective?
Because it was fair.
No special treatment, no insider lists. Just activity and community. The airdrop proved that the project wasn’t about promises—it was about real, tangible value
Another important point is tokenomics, what are we going to distribute?
Many GameFi startups laid down fundamental mistakes even at the token planning stage, causing their economic model to end up dead in the long run
The result? A bloodbath on the charts post-listing and shattered hopes
A promising DEX AMM project, Uniswap, is entering the market. They are airdropping their tokens to everyone who has ever used the platform. Not just giving them away, but literally turning their users into early investors
Each person who participates gets a minimum of $400 $UNI, at the listing rate of $1200. At the peak, $17,988. Some sell immediately and buy a PS4 or a new iPhone, some stay in the ecosystem and buy a car, one thing is clear: it works
Back in the early days of web3, projects began to realize that in order for people to believe in your idea, you need to give them something real. Value exchange - the user sharing the resource by being active, the project - by tokens
Airdrop as a distribution model appeared long before Notcoin
Historical tour - moving into rainy September 2020
Main Mistakes:
— High token concentration among early investors
— Lack of incentives for players
— No burn mechanisms
Another important point is tokenomics, what are we going to distribute?
Many GameFi startups laid down fundamental mistakes even at the token planning stage, causing their economic model to end up dead in the long run
The result? A bloodbath on the charts post-listing and shattered hopes
Historical tour - moving into rainy September 2020
A promising DEX AMM project, Uniswap, is entering the market. They are airdropping their tokens to everyone who has ever used the platform. Not just giving them away, but literally turning their users into early investors
Each person who participates gets a minimum of $400 $UNI, at the listing rate of $1200. At the peak, $17,988. Some sell immediately and buy a PS4 or a new iPhone, some stay in the ecosystem and buy a car, one thing is clear: it works
Why is it so effective?
Because it's fair
No special treatment, no insider lists. Just activity and community. The airdrop proved that the project wasn’t about promises—it was about real, tangible value
Airdrop as a distribution model appeared long before Notcoin
Back in the early days of web3, projects began to realize that in order for people to believe in your idea, you need to give them something real. Value exchange - the user sharing the resource by being active, the project - by tokens
     notcoin has changed
            rules of the game
notcoin has changed rules of the game
What's the magic?
First, honesty and transparency
Let's compare it to the tokenomics of another big project
Most of the tokens, about 78%, went directly into the hands of the community. No hidden allocations, no sudden dumps
Unlike Notcoin, it actively raised venture capital and placed less emphasis on community building
The problems are visible to the naked eye, but the key one is the huge share of investors
The remaining 22% were carefully distributed to sustain and develop the ecosystem
17,6% Investors
10% Team
10% Airdrop
10% Treasury
15% Liquidity
6,4% KOLs
10% Marketing / User Aquisition
20% Game Users Incentives
1% Partners, Advisors, Consultants
3% Binance Launchpool
78% Miners
9% ecosystem fund
5% Community incentives
5% Development
What's the magic?
First, honesty and transparency
Let's compare it to the tokenomics of another big project
Most of the tokens, about 78%, went directly into the hands of the community. No hidden allocations, no sudden dumps
Unlike Notcoin, it actively raised venture capital and placed less emphasis on community building
The problems are visible to the naked eye, but the key one is the huge share of investors
The remaining 22% were carefully distributed to sustain and develop the ecosystem
3% Binance Launchpool
78% Miners
9% ecosystem fund
5% Community incentives
5% Development
17,6% Investors
10% Marketing / User Aquisition
10% Airdrop
10% Team
10% Treasury
15% Liquidity
6,4% KOLs
20% Game Users Incentives
1% Partners, Advisors, Consultants
Guess which one is the «serious» project backed by institutional investors and which one is «probably nothing»
That’s right.
Institutional backing lost to memes
And this isn’t cherry-picking a single failed project. There are hundreds, if not thousands of similar cases. Sadly, a team’s focus on short-term profit almost always leads to the second type of chart, one that bleeds red after the listing.
That’s right.
Institutional backing lost to memes
And this isn’t cherry-picking a single failed project—there are hundreds, if not thousands of similar cases. Sadly, a team’s focus on short-term profit almost always leads to the second type of chart—one that bleeds red after the listing.
Guess which one is the «serious» project backed by institutional investors and which one is «probably nothing»
let's go back to the listing
let's go back to the listing
Binance, Bybit, and the rest of the list. Just think about it, in less than six months, the project managed to overtake all the long-builders, gain a foothold at the top of its blockchain, bringing it to the top, while having no financial support and explicitly announcing that there is no value
No early investors, no insiders. A simulacrum of value, embodying emptiness as a fundamental force
Tokens from nowhere started trading
Who are these people? They are not investors, traders, or crypto evangelists. They are random digital bystanders involved in an experiment that has gone far enough
35 million players have been rewarded — rewarded for faith, fun and counterculture
You know who else believed in the power of nothing, besides the community?
Binance, Bybit, and the rest of the list. Just think about it, in less than six months, the project managed to overtake all the long-builders, gain a foothold at the top of its blockchain, bringing it to the top, while having no financial support and explicitly announcing that there is no value
You know who else believed in the power of nothing, besides the community?
No early investors, no insiders. A simulacrum of value, embodying emptiness as a fundamental force
Tokens from nowhere started trading
Who are these people? They are not investors, traders, or crypto evangelists. They are random digital bystanders involved in an experiment that has gone far enough
35 million players have been rewarded — rewarded for faith, fun and counterculture
They Not like us
And that’s the power
They build funds, create complex models, manipulate tokens and spell out strategies
We’re just playing. Pure meme. Pure belief.
We promise nothing—people begin to see the value on their own
They overcomplicate. We act. They sell air, we create movement
Our investors don't have smart money, we don't have investors in principle
Old players no longer rule in the WEB3
Crypto doesn't have to be complicated
It doesn't have to be built on money alone
It doesn't have to rely on those who came first
The main thing has already happened. The project that has not been replicated has appeared
While projects sank under the weight of their own promises
Notcoin has chosen the path of pure community energy
Sasha Plotvinov
NOT has a depth that can transform it from just a culture to something closer to a «cult» - in the best sense of the word. For some of us, it is not just a game - it is something deeper, something that resonates in the soul and unites people around shared values.
And it worked
They Not     like us
And it worked
The main thing has already happened. The project that has not been replicated has appeared
And in that pure and uncompromising authenticity lies the true degen spirit
While projects sank under the weight of their own promises
Notcoin has chosen the path of pure community energy
Sasha Plotvinov
NOT has a depth that can transform it from just a culture to something closer to a «cult» - in the best sense of the word. For some of us, it is not just a game - it is something deeper, something that resonates in the soul and unites people around shared values.
And that’s the power
They build funds, create complex models, manipulate tokens and spell out strategies
We’re just playing. Pure meme. Pure belief.
We promise nothing—people begin to see the value on their own
They overcomplicate. We act. They sell air, we create movement
Our investors don't have smart money, we don't have investors in principle
Old players no longer rule
in the WEB3
Crypto doesn't have to be complicated
It doesn't have to be built on money alone
It doesn't have to rely on those who came first
Design & Development
Text & Research