The project literally stated:
«probably nothing», and it became a flag of resistance
People started to believe that you can really make something out of nothing. And it's not just about economic value, it's about the feeling of being part of something bigger
«Just jump in and give it a try. If it doesn't work out, fine, it didn't cost you anything»
And that's when the most powerful force in the world kicked in — faith
And you know what? It worked.
The absurd «probably nothing» suddenly became a backwards prediction
It took away a huge layer of pressure that usually lies on beginners. People were free to try things out, get involved and find the process fun
Collective effort formed around the idea of
«we’re all here just for fun, but what if this joke turns into something real?»
And this is where real economic value is born, out of trust, out of common jokes, out of unified effort
People began to see value in people themselves, not in tokens or technology. This is a real mental revolution: instead of waiting for a project to show why it's necessary, they started to create meaning themselves
The magic began with the fact that the process was completely free
This is not some classic web3 attraction where you're first pushed to deal with wallets, tokens and fees and then kept in fear that you might lose it all
Think about how absurd it is to declare zero value from the start and still attract people into it
But here's the paradox: when you are honest that you have nothing, people stop being afraid of losing, and when there is nothing to lose, the only thing left is the possibility of finding something